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Showing posts from April 8, 2008

My review - FS World Championships 2008 - Men

Itā€™s always very excited to see World Championships after US Nationals. Especially for menā€™s event is always my favorite event. It was really unexpected result ! My prediction for it was 1. Daisuke 2. Lambiel or Verner or Johnny 3. Lambiel or Verner or Johnny And the result was 1. Jeffrey Buttle 2. Brian Joubert 3. Johnny Weir 4. Daisuke Takahashi 5. Stephane Lambiel 6. Kevin VAN DER PERREN 7. Sergei VORONOV 8. Takahiko KOZUKA 9. Patrick Chan 10. Stephen CARRIERE 11. Jeremy Abbot No one was predicting Jeffrey to be the winner, also Joubert had been suffering from his illness and his result for this season was not really going well, so I didnā€™t predict him to be on a podium. I was soooo happy when I knew Johnny will be on the podium ! I was really hoping for it. It's always wonderful to see Johnny's pure happy smiling face ! Iā€™ve heard that the ice condition there was very bad and Lambiel was complaining about it. I suppose he is a very feeling person and sens...