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Showing posts with the label Jeremy Wariner

Summer Olympics London will be coming up soon !

London Olympics game is just around the corner !  Watching Olympics game is one of our favorite things every 4 years, both Summer and Winter. Itā€™s so exciting !  Because I think itā€™s a great motivation for our life to be inspired by world top athletes who have been working hard to do what they love and dream and challenge to be the world number one athletes. I love living with passion to get to our goals, no matter the result.  Another reason is we both love to see personalities through their performances.  Every Olympics, we can find a few inspiring athletes who have their original style, have strong charisma.  We are more interested to see their personality than who will win.  For summer Olympics, both of our favorite Olympics sports are gymnastics , and track & field.   Until 2004 Olympics, I didnā€™t realized that we can find someone who has interesting personality and originality in track & field, because unlike gymnasti...

Jeremy Wariner won in Zurich !

Iā€™ve just read the news about Zurich race ( Switzerland ) that was held on Friday. Iā€™m so happy ! Jeremy won !!!! Yes ! Yes ! Yes ! According to the article, it says that ā€œ Wariner, a former Arlington Lamar and Baylor standout, ran a strong bend to hold at bay Merritt, running lane three inside him, and kicked clear in the final straight to win in 43.82 , his fastest time of the season." ā€œI had Merritt behind me to push me on,ā€ Wariner said. ā€œI ran a season best and I plan to improve on that in Brussels and Stuttgart. I want to end up as world number one at the end of the year. ā€œ And Lashawn Merritt was 44.43 and finished in second. It sounds Jeremyā€™s easy win ! Thatā€™s the Jeremy Wariner I know. Iā€™ve also shocked to read about the article in 4X400 relay in Olympics, Jeremyā€™s time was 43.23 which was almost same speed as Michael Johnsonā€™s world record. Ray and I re-watched that menā€™s relay over and over, because Jeremyā€™s run as anchor in it was soooooo enjoyabl...

Menā€™s 400m X4,Relay Final, Jeremy Wariner anchor, US big lead !

It was so much fun to watch both men & womenā€™s 400M X 4 relay ! After the disappointment from Jeremyā€™s loss in individual 400M competition, We were waiting for him coming in relay. I donā€™t know why, but Jeremyā€™s running is attractive and make me feel power and energy. He also looks cool. I love his sunglasses and shoes that are matching with US uniform. He is very unique for me, almost like an alien.  His body shape is beautiful , not too macho, and his shoulder is small compared with other runners. Many people say he is too skinny as a short distance runner. But I donā€™t think so. Until I found him, Iā€™ve never recorded all the track & field , just enjoy the moment. Menā€™s 400m X 4 Final 1. U.S.A. ( 2.55. 39 ) LaShawn Merritt, Angelo Taylor, David Neville, Jeremy Wariner, 2. Bahama ( 2.58.03 ) 3. Russia ( 2.58.06 ) 4. Great Britain (2.58.81) 5. Belgium (2.59.37) 6. Australia (3.00.02) 7. Poland (3.00.32) 8. Jamaica (3.01.45) I was glad to see that Jeremy wa...

What happened to Jeremy Wariner ?

Okay, I watched menā€™s 400 m last night after seeing the result. It was heartbreaking to see Jeremyā€™s disappointed reaction... I thought he didnā€™t look like the same runner as in the past, he looked much slower than before in it. I couldnā€™t believe it.. What was wrong with him ? Just a month ago in Paris, he had crossed the finish line first, in an easy win over his chief rival LaShawn Merrit. But in the Olympics, seems like Jeremy brought his C game, not his A game. He said he did everything he could, and nothing left and was exhausted at the end. LaShawn beat him almost full second. Jeremy was with two other competitors . Usually he was far from any other competitors. I wonder Jeremy might not sleep well and might not eat much the day before the final ? It may be energy influence . Or psychological issue ? Michael Johnson also looked nervous before started. Seems like he has emotional connection with Jeremy, so when Jeremy lost, he looked panic and was asking whatā€™s ...

My Favorite Olympics subjects

Olympics Beijing is now showing up !  The opening ceremony was just amazing ! Ray and I enjoyed every moment in it. In some parts when huge fire works were up, it reminds me of Alfeeā€™s summer live events. Iā€™ve heard that it was a Chinese top movie director who produced those settings. I especially loved, a Chinese girl dancing on a cloth , below many guys were lifting her. And also a Chinese lady who was doing Tai chi , her movements were like a water, and so elegant. I usually didnā€™t watch Olympics opening ceremonies or I donā€™t remember much about that and only watching my favorite subjects without checking schedule. But I believe this may be the most wonderful opening ceremony. Kudos to Chinese people ! Iā€™ve read that at a cost of over $US 370 million in front of 80 world leaders and a worldwide audience of four billion !!! China was determined to prove that it could stage the greatest show on earth. And seems like around 10,000 performers were taking par...