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Showing posts from March 18, 2010

My review - Be good Johnny Weir Episode #7

I agree with Johnny, this episode is the most hilarious and has a lot of gems ! Ray and I laughed too much and repeatedly watched several times in the night after recorded it. With the camera rolling, I always wonder how he can act so naturally and well. He is very mysterious and that may be why I never bored watching him. It started from the training scene with Galina and Victor Petrenko before going to Grand Prix Final. After came back from NHK Trophy ( Nagano, Japan ), he was still sick with cough.  Sinus infection usually takes 1 to 2 weeks to get full recovery besides staying on ice which is very cold for training with that condition, must be one of the hard parts as a top skater.  Galina looked worried about him saying to Victor ā€ He is sick, he is coughingā€œ. and Victor was saying ā€œ he is not sick, just coughing.ā€  Victor was teasing Galina. Lol because when Johnny got a flu shot before going to Rostelecom Cup, Galina had no sympathy to him and was...