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Showing posts from June 26, 2013

Law of attraction ā€“ Levels of talent and Success

I understand that whether a person is knowing or believing LOA ( Law of attraction ) or not,  unconsciously or not,  anyone who achieves success for what they want in their life, was applying LOA to some extent or another . I also realized that success and the level of talent are not always equal. There are (were)  also very talented people who didnā€™t know how to apply LOA , and as a result they were unable to achieve their goal.    The Law of Attraction and Classical Music Composers  ā€œ The luck of having talent is not enough,  one must also have the talent of luck ā€œ  -  Hector Berlioz     Hector Berlioz Hector Berlioz   was considered as one of the most talented composers in the 19 th century,  he was also friends with the famous legendary pianist & composer Franz Liszt.   The violinist virtuoso Paganini quoted that in his opinion, the most gifted composers & pi...