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Showing posts from September 18, 2012

My review - Movie ā€œ Amadeus ā€œ

After watching & reading about Frederick Chopin , Franz Liszt and also Peter Tchaikovsky ā€™s bio and life stories, we were also curious to know about Mozart ā€™s life.  So we watched the famous movie ā€œ Amadeus ā€œ which is about ā€œ Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart ā€œ one of the greatest classical composers. Also we will check about Johnahan Sebastian Bach ā€™s life story in the close future when we have time. I had seen the movie ā€œ Amadeus ā€œ sometime in the 1980's once. And Ray had as well. We remembered itā€™s a great movie, but we couldnā€™t remember the details much. Somehow, I felt it was shorter than I expected for this dvd film, and then found out that the director cut some parts of the film for the dvd .  We would love to watch original version with no cuts if possible. The movie was marvelous , and I agree this is one of the top best films. I really understand why this movie received many academy awards. The acting and the music in the movie were awesome ! S...