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Showing posts from August 5, 2013

My recent favorite thing ā€“ Mystery Flower Essences

Weā€™ve been into these mystery flower Essences since a few months ago and we collected several types of flower essences.   I happened to find the information about the abundance of flower essences  in a Japanese site while searching more about law of attraction.   Iā€™ve seen Bach flower essence remedies in wholefoods market and also New age store but, this was really new to me so I was getting really into it.   ā€œ Australian bush flower essences are a complementary therapy derived from flowers and plants, generally but not exclusively Australian.  They are similar to Bach flower remedies, which came earlier, and are a further development of that form of therapy.ā€ ā€œ What are Flower Essences? Flower Essences are not therapeutic drugs - but work on the mind, body and spirit and are obtained by extracting the healing vibrational quali...