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Showing posts from December 3, 2010

Review - Episode #2 Skating with the Stars

It's so nice to have something exciting on Monday night again ( just like Johnnyā€™s be good Johnny weir last time ) , we really enjoyed watching the Episode #2 of Skating with the Stars on Monday night. It was sad Sean Young / Denis Petukhov team were eliminated in this episode. We loved and enjoyed very much with their performances. I thought Sean Young has so much personality in her performance ( and also off ice ) and has a big impact whatever she does. Denis ā€™s music selection ( I always loved his music choice for his and Melissaā€™s programs ) and his interesting choreography and creative idea were fantastic. It was also interesting to see Denis took Sean to indoor sky diving place . I thought itā€™ a great idea to take her to the place to catch ā€œfeeling ā€œ , without ā€œ thinking ā€ for her performance, and it was sweet of him to do it. The sky diving looked so much fun BTW, I want to try it ! For performance itself, my favorites were Rebecca & Fred , and...