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Showing posts from January 25, 2013

Easy homemade Muffins Part 6 ā€“ Heavenly Yummy Cream Cheese Muffins

These Muffins  ā€œ Cream Cheese Muffins ā€œ are heavenly delicious ! !!   Even after ate it, the wonderful taste was there for a while. This time, I used ā€œ pancake mix ā€ instead of flour and I found there are many recipes of cakes and muffins using pancake mix. Iā€™m pretty sure everyone can make very delicious cream cheese muffins using these ingredients and recipe. Our top favorite for sweets is still Cheesecake , but for muffins,   this is the best one so far. When you have guests, they will love them.  Highly recommended muffins from my husband and me. Ingredients  ( About 8 to 9 jumbo muffins ) Ā·          * Pancake mix    - 200g Ā·          * Cream cheese spread ā€“ 200g Ā·          * Pure Cane Golden Brown Sugar ā€“ 100g Ā·          * Raw honey ā€“ ...

Emanuel Sandhuā€™s LP at Canadian Nationals Championships 2013

Finally I got to see his long program at Canadian Nationals 2013 !    Emanuel Sandhu 2013 Canadian Nationals free program Itā€™s really Sandhu style of skating and I really like it.  One of the greatest things about this performance is that he looks happy skating, looks relaxed.  Most of his jumps look beautifully landed.  Nerves makes skaterā€™s bodies tight and often can not show their best , so I felt comfortable watching this.    Itā€™s beautiful and expressive.  Nice to see his detailed pantomime again also.  I love the costume. It looks like Chinese traditional suit. It makes his perfect proportion really nice and slender.  Iā€™m just very happy seeing his skate and his smile is wonderful!  It was much better than I expected, after 6 years of blank time, at the age of 32, he did really great !    In his short program, he landed all the jumps. It was also very nice to see him in the Exhibition.  2...