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Showing posts from May 3, 2013

Mystery of Charisma

What is your image of ā€œ Charisma ā€ ? My image of charisma is people who have : * big impact. * it factor * a shining ( star ? ) quality * attractive One day, I noticed that good looking and charisma donā€™t always come together. Beauty is in the eyes of beholder , but I feel there are people who most everyone would agree they are handsome or beautiful whether or not they fit their taste of beauty or not. I understand many people who are good looking have charisma, but what about people who are considered as average looking and yet have strong charisma?    So Iā€™m interested in what are the qualities that makes some people who are not considered great looking, still have charisma. For example, And this is my view of course, When I was a child, the first time I ever saw photos of the Beatles members,   I thought George Harrison is the most handsome among them. And Paul McCartney had a baby face a...