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Showing posts from June 22, 2011

My favorite composers of the 19th century - Liszt, Chopin, Saint Saens, Tchaikovsky, Massenet

5 Music Virtuosos of the 19th century Franz Liszt ( 1811 - 1886) Frederic Chopin ( 1810 - 1849) Pyotr Tchaikovsky ( 1840-1893) Camille Saint- Saens, ( 1835 - 1921) Jules Massenet ( 1842 - 1912 ) Since we found this amazing site, which has so many information about not only, Pyotr Tchaikovsky ,  but many other people who were around him in that generation, Iā€™ve been even more into the 19th century ā€™s, my favorite composers. Tchaikovsky seems like really a perfectionist, analyzing music and many other things and people,  and there are thousands of his private letters which he wrote to a wealthy widow named Nadezdha von Meck who admired him and his music so much. He might not have imagined that his private letters to her would one day be open to public viewing in the future. I feel like becoming a gossip woman when I started reading them,  but it ā€™s so interesting to know, as he is one of ...