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Showing posts from May 20, 2011

My favorite Ave Maria performances by Emanuel Sandhu, Johnny Weir

The song Ave Maria was performed by several skaters, with different singers and Johnny Weir and Emanuel Sandhu ā€™s Ave Maria have been the most magical performances for me so far. If I didnā€™t watch Sandhuā€™s Ave Maria, there was no other competition for Johnny. Both of their Ave Maria are breathtakingly magical which gave me goosebumps, made me tears. Their emotion, water flow graceful movements, sensitivities, lines, expression, beauty, it was so hard to find these artists and Iā€™m so glad to find them in menā€™s skating. Johnny Weir and Emanuel Sandhu , these two artists are my all time favorites forever. Comparing artistry of Sandhu and Johnny Weir is like trying to compare Tschaikovsky ( Piano concerto No 1, Nutcracker ) and Saint Saens ( The Swan, Danse Macabre ) and trying to decide which is better composer. Both are just incredible. One thing I noticed Sandhu and Weir have in common is that for both of them, their main leg they use is their left leg while ...