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Showing posts from August 20, 2011

The Sound of Music - The most popular timeless classic Movie !

  Recently, we had an opportunity to watch the famous timeless classic movie ā€œ The Sound of Music ā€œ which I had been wishing to watch. I had watched the movie when I was around 14 to 15 years old, from my step fatherā€™s recommendation ( the sound of music was his top favorite movie ). I remember I was very impressed with the amazing beautiful scenery in Salzsburg in Austria which Iā€™d never seen at that time. It was like a beautiful scenery painting. Also the music,  I love almost all the music in this movie.   Until now I didnā€™t know the famous music ā€œ Edelweiss ā€œ was made for this movie. Because the music was in our school ( elementary school or junior high school) in the music text book. Also the story, an innocent type of story, was based on a true story. This movie makes our mind clear up.    I think itā€™s an uplifting movie ! I guess Iā€™m a very dreamer and Iā€™m always attracted by beautiful nature scenery and historical buildin...