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Showing posts from October 19, 2012

Life after death ?

Recently, Ray found an article in the link below in the news section .  Itā€™s about a shocking experience from a doctor who is a neurosurgeon who never believed there is a life after death.    Heaven Is Real: A Doctorā€™s Experience With the Afterlife by Dr. Eben Alexander  Itā€™s interesting that the doctor seems to remember everything clearly with details, and how he was feeling while he was in that heaven.    Personally , I believe there is a life after death and we all are coming from these spiritual worlds. And there is no end in the world, our spirits are forever, never ending.  I know each person has different idea of it, and I think each personā€™s ā€œ thoughts ā€œ will bring their own version of forever.   If one th...