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Showing posts from August 2, 2011

My review - Franz Liszt ā€œ Greatest Hits Liszt ā€œ

This year 2011 is Franz Lisztā€™s 200 years celebration year (Liszt was born in 1811 ) and many top pianists and also Liszt fans and also Chopin fans community will be celebrating for it. Last year was Frederic Chopinā€™s 200 years celebration. He was born in 1810. They were born only one year apart. We are glad we are getting into Liszt at such a celebration time. My impression of Franz Liszt, ā€œ He was not only challenging to be a top pianist, he was challenging to be far above the top of the piano world, like paganini was in the violin world . He wasnā€™t depending on his talent, but was constantly challenging to improve his talent into a limitless level. That may be the most inspiring thing about him. ā€œ Recently weā€™ve been enjoying listening to this CD called ā€œ Greatest Hits Liszt ā€œ every day. On this CD , My favorites are Hungarian Rhapsody#2 La Campanella Liebestraume ( Love dream ) Some long time Liszt fans said many newbie Liszt f...