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Showing posts from December 6, 2010

Johnny's Bad Romance at Skate for Hope

Skate for Hope Johnny Weir Bad Romance This is one of my favorite of Johnnyā€™s performances. Itā€™s really an amazing art to me and his movements and body language gave me chills. Love his beginning pose which is so artistic like a beautiful statue ! His natural expression , body language based on the music always amazes me. I love the costume and also he acts the character of Bad Romance of the story, so I love him with make-up for this performance. While watching his performance, Iā€™m watching the story and the character he is acting for every program. Love the costume very much, too. I always love to hear his opinion of artistry, and skating because I see him as a genius creative artist. There are many kinds of skaters and dancers, and there is always a taste and I love uniqueness, detailed sensitive movements and beautiful line, natural expression with deep emotion , besides musicality and rhythm. Johnny Weir , Emanuel Sandhu , Tatiana Navka these three a...