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Showing posts from July 30, 2011

Camille Saint Saens friendships with other composers

More about Camille Saint Saens . This is Part 2. Camille Saint Saens was close friends with the legendary composers Franz Liszt and Pyotr Tchaikovsky as well as with another renowned French composer , Gabriel Faure . As mentioned in my last post about Camille Saint Saens, Liszt was a huge help in promoting Saint Saens music, by including Saint Saens music in his own concerts, by staging concerts of Saint Saens operas, and in general doing all he could to help the younger composer. When Saint Saens was 50 , he began composing another symphony in the early part of 1886. He had scarcely begun, however, when he received word of the death of Franz Liszt . The news affected Saint-Saƫns deeply and he immediately decided to compose his new symphony as a tribute to Liszt, and to dedicate the work to his memory. The inclusion of a prominent role for the piano was part of this tribute. Tchaikovsky first met Saint-Saƫns during the Frenchman's concert tour to Moscow in No...