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Showing posts from November 20, 2012

True Happiness

Happiness & Now  ~ Happiness doesnā€™t come and go ; what comes and goes is your attunement to happiness ~  ~ Real goals arenā€™t about the future, they are about your life right here and now ! ~  -  Robert Holden, PhD.  I got a conviction from these quotes above.   Even though I know about it, there are still times when Iā€™m easy to be influenced by my feeling from environment, whenever something happened.  I saw one of the life expert gurus who looks very successful in her life was writing her feelings in her personal blog , but sounded like she is afraid to lose something, someone she loves.  She sounded like living with fear, instead of love.  I also read about many successful peopleā€™s experience about ā€œ Happiness ā€œ.  Common things they are saying is they achieved everything they wanted, but they...