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Showing posts from June 24, 2011

My Time traveling would be ā€¦ Since my childhood, I sometimes imagined what it would be like if there was a time machine ā€¦ Future - I imagined to go traveling to future when I was a school girl, struggling with studies before examinations. Wanted to know the result of examinations. But thatā€™s it, also who will I marry with ?? On the other hand, scared to go to future to see my life. At that time I didnā€™t know that peopleā€™s thoughts, emotions create our future, and I was completely thinking like life is a destiny, all passive. But since I knew life is about how we create it, I donā€™t need to think about time machines to see my future anymore. Past - Whenever I read about biographies of interesting people in history, I imagine to go to the past. If there was a time machine or a magic door and I could time travel easily, First, 1. I would go to see me when I was born Especially, from the time I was born to 3 or 4 years old, the times when I have almos...