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Showing posts with the label Law of attraction

Law of attraction ā€“ Levels of talent and Success

I understand that whether a person is knowing or believing LOA ( Law of attraction ) or not,  unconsciously or not,  anyone who achieves success for what they want in their life, was applying LOA to some extent or another . I also realized that success and the level of talent are not always equal. There are (were)  also very talented people who didnā€™t know how to apply LOA , and as a result they were unable to achieve their goal.    The Law of Attraction and Classical Music Composers  ā€œ The luck of having talent is not enough,  one must also have the talent of luck ā€œ  -  Hector Berlioz     Hector Berlioz Hector Berlioz   was considered as one of the most talented composers in the 19 th century,  he was also friends with the famous legendary pianist & composer Franz Liszt.   The violinist virtuoso Paganini quoted that in his opinion, the most gifted composers & pi...

My favorite ways of Law of Attraction Part 3 - Successful Wishing - Pierre Franckh

Pierre Franckhā€™s books ā€œ Successful Wishing ā€œ are another of my favorite books.     There are series, 1 to 6 , and are not published in English , but I did find them in a Japanese book store,  translated by a Japanese translator.   Pierre Franckh is a German actor ( Movies & TV) from 1959 ā€“ 2003, and is also a movie director and a writer.  Since 1996, he published many books and became a best selling author.  Franckh wrote based on his personal experiences from when he was a child . I love the way how he writes , itā€™s very easy to read and direct to the point, very clear how to do it with step by step instruction. Also importance of finding what you truly want.    Many people are actually not realizing what they really want and then when they get what they wanted,  still not feeling satisfied. Pierre said that before making your wishes and order to universe, itā€™s important to clear ...