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Showing posts from May 17, 2011

" Dream more than others think practical " - Howard Schultz

I was watching biography & the success story of Howard Schultz who is the chairman of Starbucks coffee , on TV the other day and I was inspired by his amazing passion for coffee which he offers in Starbucks and his heartfelt communication with customers and people, besides his success story. I love to read biographies, and success stories about any kind of topics, business, health, wealth, beauty, happiness, etc.. and always love to learn ā€œ How ā€œ. and finding the common between all the successful people. He is famous and I suppose everyone knows about his biography and his success story. I just wanted to include his story in my blog Mihoā€™s Favorites . Howard Schultz described his business and his selling of delicious coffee this way, ā€œ This is not a transaction, not a calculation , no, itā€™s a passion ! and itā€™s about communication with people, with heart ! ā€œ Especially this his quote above was very impressive and is spinning around in my head. Also, ...