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Showing posts from March 7, 2019

Shen Yun Show 2018-2019 Review

 We went to see the Shen Yen art performance show on February 27 ! We missed it last season's tour because it was already sold out when we found the information about the show. So this season we bought the tickets earlier around November because I didnā€™t want to miss it this time. We bought the tickets online at the She Yun show's website and selected to  send the tickets to our address rather than getting them in the theater. Getting the tickets There was a problem receiving our tickets. We placed the order for the tickets on November 17. However we did not receive it after more than one month past. and they said if you did not receive your ticket within 10 days, please contact us. So we contacted them by email and also by phone. At that time we did not get the response from them. So we called them and talked with the ticket worker of Shen Yen show, and he told us they are not sure they have shipped it or not so told us to wait...