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Showing posts from April 2, 2013

My favorite ways of Law of Attraction ā€“ Part 2 One of the greatest things I discovered through the information of Law of Attraction is how important it is to be true to yourself,   because this is the source of everything.  And I wasnā€™t getting the real meaning of becoming true self until recently. In this earth world, we are taught like that ā€œ you must do this, and that, you should do this, ā€œ and as a result we are brainwashed to see things as if they have to be this way or that way, based on how we were taught while growing up.  And listening and doing things which can meet expectations from parents or public, but ignoring the voice of our soul, which is from our true self.  And therefore getting stress, illness, suffer, pain. Bashar ( channeled by Darryl Anka )   said that all the illness, suffering, pain and stress occurs by rejection of being our natural true self. I always thought most of the illness comes fr...