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Showing posts with the label Franz Liszt

Liszt's "Hungarian Rhapsody No.2" , performed by Tiffany Poon

There are so many great pianists in the world. However when it comes to Franz Liszt's Hungarian Rhapsody No.2, which is one of my favorite Piano compositions, it was difficult to find a pianist who can play it in a way which filled my satisfaction.   and I've been looking for a great pianist for that piece.  My husband and my taste are often the same so he was also looking for it.  and finally, finally we found a very gifted pianist !  Her name is Tiffany Poon .  She is definitely a genius pianist.      Tiffany Poon - Hungarian Rhapsody No.2     Very expressive and unbelievable talent.  We both feel so great to listen to this performance.  Her performance is very dynamic, with many ups and downs, flowing with emotion based on the music story.  Maybe her way of performance matches with our image of this composition's story ? and matches with our taste ?  And whe...

Genius, confidence, and how this is influenced by the way in which each person grows up

Today, I would like to talk about ā€œ confidence ā€œ and ā€œ genius ā€. When talking about this topic, Franz Liszt is a good example to bring up because he was like the epitome of confidence, and he was a genius as well. Franz Liszt 's confidence was quite impressive besides his out of this world level of piano playing and  his compositions, and his stormy, yet sweet and very generous,  personality.  Amazingly enough, it seems that the only time Liszt really got nervous in his life was when he was a child, when his piano teacher took him to Beethoven to show his piano playing. Prior to this event, when Liszt was even a younger child, when he was asked what he wanted to be in the future,  he pointed his finger to a large painting of Beethoven and said,  ā€œ I want to be that one !ā€  Beethoven was Lisztā€™s hero when he was a child, and his desire was really clear since such a young age. In general , Beethoven was not interes...

My favorite things in 2011 My top favorites are selected from my new discoveries of this year, whether itā€™s new or old, no limit.  Top 10 Music 1. Rondo Krakowiak ( by Frederic Chopin ) 2. Hungarian Rhapsody #2 ( by Franz Liszt ) 3. Danse Macabre ( by Camile Saint Saens ) 4. Etude Opus 25 N.11 Winter Wind ( by Frederic Chopin ) 5. Nocturne N.1 in B flat minor ( by Frederic Chopin ) 6. Piano Concerto #2 ( by Frederic Chopin ) 7. Liebestraume ( Love Dream ) ( by Franz Liszt ) 8. Valse Sentimentale op. 51/6 ( by Tchaikovsky ) 9. Piano Concert No.4 in C minor ( by Camille Saint Saens ) 10. Symphony No. 3 in C minor ( by Camille Saint Saens ) This year Iā€™ve been into Classical music, Rondo Krakowiak by Frederic Chopin is hands down my top favorite. I just fell in love with this unbelievably beautiful music ( brings tears ) , which even chills my body. Top 5 Classic Composers 1. Frederic Chop...

Happy Birthday Franz Liszt !

Happy Birthday to Franz Liszt ! It was Lisztā€™s 200th birthday on October 22 , so we were enjoying listening to all his music from the morning. His piano concertos , Hungarian Rhapsody #2, Fantasia , Sonata B Minor, Totentanz , etc.. One of the top present pianists Lang Lang was performing with Philadelphia Orchestra for Lisztā€™s celebration . He also published his original Lisztā€™s music audio CD for this celebration year. Lang langā€™s hero seems to be Liszt. Lang lang and Yundi Li are two of the top present pianists right now. Other great articles about Lisztā€™s 200th celebration, How Franz Liszt became the Worldā€™s First Rock Star New Jersey Symphony Orchestra to celebrate Liszt's 200th birthday with concerts On the other hand, I found there is a bitter article on Lisztā€™s celebration day from an unknown pianist ...

Franz Lisztā€™s magical piano concert performance

  More about Franz Liszt ! Because itā€™s Lisztā€™s 200th celebration year and Lisztā€™s 200th birthday ( October 22 ) will be coming very soon !    Liszt was   Sun : Libra     Moon : Sagittarius     According to his astrology sign.    He grew up as an only child .    While looking for more about Franz Liszt, I found an incredibly detailed description of how Liszt looked and how he performed in concert , and why he could hypnotize his audiences at the link below.       It's from a music magazine in the early 1900's .    Their memory of Liszt was more recent and clear, because it wasn't too long ago at that time, so it's a very interesting description.          ā€œ There was something weird and magnetic about his playing.  He was very tall, about six feet two inches, slende...