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Showing posts from August 6, 2011

Franz Liszt and Frederic Chopinā€™s friendship Part 1

Frederyk Chopin   Iā€™m a long time fan of Chopinā€™s music since when I was a teenager. Started loving his music from hearing his Polonaise , then Noctunes , Etudes ā€¦ Frederyk Chopin I was using one of Chopinā€™s Nocturnes as my background music for my answering machine when I was in my 20s. In Japan, many of his music is famous and used in many TV dramas, commercials, movies, and mostly wealthy bourgeois family scenes. My image of many of Chopin ā€™s music that Iā€™ve listened to is of a cozy, bourgeois world. From almost all his music Iā€™ve ever heard, I often pictured an elegant, wealthy familyā€™s world or a story about a family who are living in a luxury antique style house. Many of Mozart ā€™s music reminds me of a social life in an older generation, a story about bourgeois world in a gorgeous luxury palace. For Liszt ā€™s music, his music is very variety, ranging from an image of a sweet passionate love story for couples, all the way to nightmare horror story type o...