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Showing posts from November 2, 2012

Halloween Bat - Shocking night

It happened last night,  around midnight. I couldnā€™t believe it, such a thing happened. Ray and I were ready to fall a sleep at the bed after having a chat about Chopin. One lamp was on which was in my side. And the bedroom door was slightly open and not completely closed. All the windows were closed as usual. Suddenly something black which looked like an aggressive bird flew into our bedroom ! ā€œ Oh, my..   Whatā€™s that !!!!    What should we do ???  ā€œ    I shouted. ā€œ Itā€™s a bird. ā€œ    Ray said. But after watching it fly wildly around our bedroom for a moment,  Ray said    ā€œ Itā€™s a bat ! ā€œ    . We both pulled over our blankets  and  stayed under the blanket for a while.  But soon Ray got out the bed while it was still flying around the room, saying we need to do something to get  the bat out. I kept staying under the  blanket on the bed. Ray...