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Showing posts from May 3, 2012

Organic foods and healthy living ā€œ You are what you eat ? ā€œ

Weā€˜ve been enjoying organic foods since a month ago.   Because we care for our health and also organic foods taste more delicious than normal vegetables.   Recently, I really feel the famous quote  ā€œ You are what you eat . ā€œ   is true.   Although healthy life comes from balance between mind, body, skin care, good night sleep and activities besides food life .   Health is a treasure.   Also I realized that ā€œ good blood circulation ā€ is one of the most important key to keep healthy and look young skin.   After being amazed to see Styxā€™s ageless Tommy Shaw on TV, I started searching about ā€œ secret of youth ā€œ.  He looks so much younger than his age.  Also, there was an interview with Styx on CNN in the morning about a week ago and they talked about what they think are the keys to longevity and a healthy life.