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Showing posts from January 10, 2009

Johnny Weir has updated his New Journal !

I knew he has been incredibly busy for ice shows and his GPS competitions since last May so I thought it wonā€™t be updated until new year. And reading his journal, I found some new things I didnā€™t know how tough his situation was this season, it even looked tougher than I thought. >(Johnny's quotes) After my return from Japan I started noticing a lot of pain in my left foot and ankle. Having just gone into new skating boots two weeks before my departure, I thought something was very wrong.  I didn't really understand anything about my skates at the time because in all my years of skating I've had the good fortune of never having problems.  I have to admit a flaw right now. As long as I've been ice skating, and as long as I've been at an elite level, I understand absolutely nothing about skates or blades.  I just know to put new ones on every season and get them sharpened regularly. Galina Yakovlevna thought it would be smart to go into a new boot, ...