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Johnny Weir has updated his New Journal !

I knew he has been incredibly busy for ice shows and his GPS competitions since last May so I thought it wonā€™t be updated until new year.

And reading his journal, I found some new things I didnā€™t know how tough his situation was this season, it even looked tougher than I thought.

>(Johnny's quotes) After my return from Japan I started noticing a lot of pain in my left foot and ankle. Having just gone into new skating boots two weeks before my departure, I thought something was very wrong. 

I didn't really understand anything about my skates at the time because in all my years of skating I've had the good fortune of never having problems. 

I have to admit a flaw right now. As long as I've been ice skating, and as long as I've been at an elite level, I understand absolutely nothing about skates or blades. 

I just know to put new ones on every season and get them sharpened regularly. Galina Yakovlevna thought it would be smart to go into a new boot, just the left one as there may have been an interior problem I didn't know about and keep the right one from the previous pair, so that's what we did. More laterā€¦<

(My comments)  

Iā€™m very sorry to hear about that he had a blade problem with his skating shoes right before Skate America. Iā€™ve often heard that many other skaters also had blade problems and was often wondering whether Johnnyā€™s blades are okay or not. 

I suppose it may usually take a while to get used to new shoes. 

> (Johnny's quotes) 
 After my return from Russia I immediately started preparations for Skate America, my first event of the season. My run-throughs were not going well, I wasn't landing my jumps well and I was having a lot of pain in my left foot again.
I wrote it off as nothing, but deep down I knew it could turn into something bigger. Skate America was the only thing on my mind and I had a job to do, the boot could be dealt with later. Two days before my departure to the competition I moved the blade on my skate and it felt better, but still not right, anyway, there was a competition at hand, a big one. <

(My comments)  
He had pain with his left foot again besides the blade problemā€¦ How he could perform with this situation ?
But audience would never know how skaters condition was, and just judges check how he skated, and give scores.

> (Johnny's quotes)
 I notoriously have never competed at Skate America before because it is very early in the season and I prefer to have more time to prepare so I was shoved out there in front of a lot of people very prematurely for me, and having skate issues on top of that, I was hideously nervous for both programs. 

The actual competition was fair. My short program had some big mistakes, but I thought my long program went pretty well for not really having the training time I'm used to. 

The fans in the arena were fantastic and I was so excited to see so many Johnny's Angels there. 

I think a lot of people could tell something was wrong with me by the way I was landing my jumps and spinning inappropriately slow and tripping on footwork and other such niceties. In any event I came out as the top American with a silver medal, yet again, losing a title by a double toe loop. In what world do I live in, that a senior men's competition can be determined by a double toe loop.? 

It's all very silly to me, still, even after losing by a double toe loop. not once but twice. I am not naive and I understand this skating/artistic/mathematics/sport/contest, but come on. < 

(My comments) 
That competition ( not only this one though ) was really weird.

But I can see how this new judging system( COP ) work. I have nothing against Kozuka, but itā€™s hard to believe that kind of skater can win with those performances.

Speed, speed speed, yes the jumps have full rotation but there is no impressive landing ( to me ), more extra combination jumps.

Iā€™m not interested in watching mathematical sport. But to win, that what Johnny needs to do ??

(Johnny's quotes)
With my return from Skate America came a lot of questions. I needed to figure out my boot situation fast as NHK Trophy in Tokyo was rapidly approaching. I called my skate company, Reidell and asked if they had suggestions for what I could do. They were saints through the whole process.

They told me all the things to check. I found that my left skate was warped on the inside (the leather and shape of the foot were twisted to the inside) and the heel was several centimeters higher than what I am used to. It explains all the pain I was having and the uncomfortable jump landings. To explain it easier, I was skating with my left foot in a stiletto and my right foot in a ballet flat. :) <

(My comments) 
Oh, my god ā€¦. I wish it could find the issue before Skate America but timing was so bad when he got the shoes problem and I guess there was no time to check for it before Skate America.
But with this situation, receiving silver medal was not bad.


> (Johnny's quotes) 
 Two days before my departure to Japan for the third time in a year I came down with a terrible cold. Actually, it was more like a plague. Let me tell you, there is nothing like flying fourteen hours not being able to hear or smell anything, it's heaven.

I arrived in Japan excited, as always, to see the country and my fans. I was also excited to compete because I was far more prepared for NHK than I was for Skate America. I fell out of bed every morning in Japan, eyes getting darker and darker, and the coughing getting worse. 

I was being assisted by a doctor every morning and night just trying to get through the competition. <


(My comments) 
Johnny, take natural herbs instead of going to a doctor and taking dangerous drugs !
There is a very powerful remedy for cold & Flu which kills the terrible symptoms within a day ! I will send it to you by private .

> (Johnny's quotes) 

 I once again took the silver medal after two mediocre performances, but having fought through feeling like I could fall over and die at any moment was a true victory for me.
A few years ago, there is no way I could have done that. The reception I got from the Japanese audience was incredible as always. In Japan, I feel like they support me as if I were one of their own. I was so happy to be there and to skate reasonably well.<

(My comments) 
You WERE amazing ! I was very impressed with your FP in it. I could not believe you had such a bad cold during the performance. You were really a strong fighter !

> (Johnny's quotes) 

 With my two silver medals in the Grand Prix I earned enough points to go to the Grand Prix Final. My federation offered for me to stay in Japan if I qualified for the final and Galina Yakovlevna and I decided to stay.

 I spent a week and a half training at Chukyo University Ice Arena in Toyota City, a suburb of Nagoya. I trained with Ando Miki and the rest of Nikolai Morozov's group. 

The ice conditions were fantastic and I have never seen a better ice rink in the world. I am so impressed with the skating of Ando Miki. She was landing so many quads and triple triple combinations, she was really an inspiration to train with and she made me work harder. I really enjoyed my time in Japan and it was the perfect place to train and try to recover from my "plague." <

(My comments) 

This is one of the most interesting part to read.
Wow ! Itā€™s so nice to hear that Johnny was impressed with Miki Andoā€™s skating ( and her quads and 3+3 combo ) while training together in Japan, and he was writing about it.

Actually, itā€™s so true, Miki is the only ladies skater who has been landing quads many times in practice. If I were him, I would of course be inspired with her doing those difficult jumps many times.

Her jumps are also powerful and higher than many ladies.

I remember that he also mentioned about Miki during 2006-2007 season, when interviewer asked whose performances he liked that season and he said that his favorite during that time was Miki. 

I was surprised and was really happy to hear
that because I got big inspiration with her skating at Campbellā€™s cup and also Skate America in 2006.

I rarely find Johnny has similar taste as me , so I was really glad to hear about that.

Photo by rhinestones


> (Johnny's quotes) 
 Before I knew it, I was off to the Grand Prix Final in Goyang City, South Korea. Leading up to the competition my training had been okay. I was still very weak from my illness and pushing through my run-throughs was a struggle.

I was thrilled to be back in South Korea and to see all of my Korean angels and fans. I got off the airplane to an onslaught of camera's and special greetings. I was so happy that I could see everyone right away, but I totally wore the wrong outfit for such an occasion.

After settling into my new digs I started the competition. The audience was massive and they screamed for me like we were all at a rock concert. <
(My comments)
Iā€™m always amazed by the warm support of Korean angels and fans to him. In Russia and Korean his fans are always welcoming him at a airport , and he sounds really happy about it.

Photo by rhinestones


>(Johnny's quotes) 
   I felt so happy to be on the ice. In the short program I made a major mistake on the triple axel and found myself in fourth place out of six men. It was not the performance I was hoping for, and more than that it was not the performance I wanted to show the audience.

They were so pumped for me and I felt like I'd let them down. In the free program I fought back hard but still didn't do enough for a great placement. The audience made me feel like a champion though.

I came in third place and I was disappointed not to have a victory and I was disappointed in myself that I'd made such an error in the short program. <

(My comments)
You were great, Johnny ! In my eyes, I could see you fought hard in FP. You didnā€™t give up until the end ! I really loved it.

> (Johnny's quotes) 

 I was shocked at how popular I'd become while I was in Korea! When I flew home I was on the cover of most major Korean newspaper's and everyone in the airport wanted autographs and pictures, even the security guards. I think it's amazing, and I'm so touched by the outpouring of love. <

(My comments)
Itā€™s so nice to hear that he became so popular in Korea. He was on the cover of most of major Korea Newspapers with Yu Na Kim. I wish he could be like that in the US as well.I would always love to see him very popular worldwide.

> (Johnny's quotes) 

 Christmas was definitely interesting. I woke up and got ready for more rehearsals and the show that afternoon. I got to the rink and started not feeling quite normal so I went to the locker room to lay down for a bit. What happened next is pretty graphic, so I'll spare you.

I had come down with a terrible stomach virus. I had no energy, I couldn't walk, I kept nothing in my stomach longer than two minutes, and I had to get glammed up and do a show. I felt so terrible I couldn't even skate in the opening number. <

(My comments)
Poor boyā€¦. sweetheart . How he could skate with that situation ?? Even spins and jumpsā€¦

I can really understand how his Mom was feeling, ..

To me Christmas day is not so important but for many American people, it must be a big day, and he had to experience such a bad illness.

But it was great to hear that his Korean fans warm support for him, understanding his situation during the time, and Yu Na also must be really worried about him.

It was also great to hear that Johnny was on cover in many Korean newspaper ( with Yu Na Kim ? ) , and he was treated like a rock star over there, even at the hospitals , doctors and nurses , even security guards wanted his autographs.

(Johnny's quotes) 

  I am building my strength back up after six weeks away from home and two major illnesses. My skates are working for the moment and I am as positive as I can be. I am really looking forward to Nationals and improving on what I've already done this season.

I haven't won a gold medal yet this season and that is really lighting a fire under me leading into "Act 2" of the season. I feel like I've been through it all so far this year, illness, equipment problems, low self esteem, hard training conditions, missing my family, if there's more to come, bring it on. I am preparing so hard already for the Championships and I hope I can show strength and as always, something beautiful.<

(My comments)
Cross my fingers to you, Johnny ! Of course , always !

(Johnny's quotes) 

 Before I end this entry, I want to thank everyone who has supported me this season. I felt you all, everywhere I was. It means so much to me to have people so devoted to wishing me well and helping me through the hard times. 
I wish I could name everyone by name because it really is a special situation I'm in, and I never take that for granted.

I hope to make you all proud of me for the remainder of the season. Cross those fingers.
I wish everyone success, love and knowledge for 2009. Life is so hard at times, but every rough moment gets you a free pass to something wonderful. Peace and love to everyone.

Love always,-Johnny <


(My comments) 
Very nice entry, he never forget his gratitude to his fans all over the world. Thatā€™s one of the reason he has so many heartfelt fans who truly worry about him worldwide. Peace and love to you , Johnny.

(Johnny's quotes) 
 P.S Always and forever, if I offended you or hurt your sensibilities with anything I've written I am sorry. Please don't take me too seriously and I will try to rectify the situation with my next entry. Kisses.<

(My comments) 
I wonder who would be offended reading this ?? Lovely, Johnny.


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