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Showing posts from March 14, 2016

Value of creators - If there was no one who can ....

 photo credit: Japanese traditional style farm house / 農家(のうか) via photopin (license) When I was a kid, my dad often told me his childhood stories.  One of the impressive things in his stories was about his experience of a nature disaster when he was around 22.  My dad was the fourth child out of 9 brothers & sisters. so including his parents ( my grandfather and grandmother ) total of 11 people were living together .  In his generation, most people were poor with many children each family.  Because after the world war 2, Japan lost so many people, so they were told by the government to have many kids as much as they could.  In 1953, there was a serious nature disaster which came from heavy rain & typhoon in the Kyushu area ( South side of Japan ) where my dad had lived.  My dad was a university student at that time, and when he came back to his home, his house was washed away and there was nothing in the pr...