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Showing posts from July 28, 2011

Who are the Greatest 20th - 21st centuryā€™s pianists ?

I realized there are so many great top level pianists all over the world and I still need much more time to see all the greatest pianists. And I found that once the highest levels of piano playing are reached, at that point who you think is the best or is your favorite all depends on oneā€™s taste and how the pianist performance and personality touches you. Personally , I love mixture of a dynamic performer, wild and also with sensitivity plus elegance with masterful technique and emotion and musicality. Iā€™m surprised that itā€™s so different impression with same music depending on who is playing it , and also depending on the pianistā€™s mood at the time of the performance. So far, my favorite pianists of the 20th to 21st century are below, ( no particular order ) Here is the list : * Agustin Anievas (USA) * Yuki o Yokoyama ( Japan ) * Samson Francois (France)  * Vladimir Horowitz (Russia) * Yundi Li ( China ) * John Browning ( USA)  * Sandor Falvay ( Hungary )...