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Showing posts from July 15, 2011

Camille Saint-Saens - Genius French composer of the Romantic Era - Part 1

Charles-Camille Saint-SaĆ«ns ( 1835 ā€“ 1921) Calimille Saint-Saens is my favorite French composer of The Romantic Era. However my discovery about him was late, I discovered about him since I started watching figure skating. Even though I had heard his famous music ā€œ The Swan ā€œ before, I didnā€™t know Saint Saens was the composer of this beautiful music. I had thought this music was by Tchaikovsky , and that it was a part of Tchaikovskyā€™s famous ballet music ā€œ Swan Lake ā€œ. I donā€™t know why I got such an idea and had been believing that without checking who is the composer of ā€œ The Swan ā€œ. Maybe I was making my own original story in my mind about ā€œThe Swanā€œ. The first time I discovered about Saint-Saens was since I watched Johnny Weir ā€™s 2004 - 2005 short program performance ā€œ Rondo Capriccioso ā€œ , this program is one of my top favorites of his performances ( 2004 TEB France) and I really loved the music, so I finally checked the composer of the mu...