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Showing posts from September, 2011

The Greatest Piano Concertos, Chopin & Liszt ( and others )

I love Chopin & Liszt ! Recently, Iā€™m so loving to listen to my old CD of Chopin which I purchased when I was still in my 20ā€™s. ( Over 20 years ago .) It has Chopin ā€™s Piano concerto No.1 in E Minor, Op 11 and also his Piano Concerto No.2 in F Minor, Op.21. Performed by Pianist : Samson Francois Orchestre : National de Lā€™Opera de Monte-Carlo Conductor : Louis Fremaux This was recorded in 1965. This music is so fantastic !!! I wish some great figure skaters would perform with them also. Seems like Chopin created both of these music masterpieces when he was around 19 years old ! How could he create such incredible concertos at such a young age ? Except for one other music piece, these are the only music compositions he created for Piano with Orchestra . Almost everything else he wrote was for solo Piano, except for some chamber music with piano and viola. At the time I originally bought this CD, I wasnā€™t listening to it much becaus...

Franz Lisztā€™s dangerous love

  Franz Liszt was quite tall in his generation, standing 6 feet 2 inches tall , long blonde hair , piercing sharp eyes, pianist' long narrow and delicate hands and fingers. His body build was very slender. People who knew him described his personality as full of charm, charisma, and very knowledgeable.  And he loved brainy women. He was the consummate artist. It seems that Liszt loved dangerous love , which thrilled him and gave him excitement rather than a stable, peaceful , safe love. Franz Liszt While reading about his biography, I was wondering why he fell in love with two princesses who were already married. Marie Dā€™Agoult He seems to have had a lot of love affairs in his life, someone found out that he had at least 26 serious relationships in his life ( besides countless other affairs ) but the only ladies he thought about marriage was with these two princesses , Marie Dā€™Agoult and Carolyne Sayn Wittgenstein ? Charlotte Von Hagn ...

ā€œ Storms are my mĆ©tier- storms are my forte." - Franz Liszt

Franz Liszt's bio book #1 by Alan Walker Franz Liszt ā€™s long bio books by Alan Walker arrived here several days ago ! and we are still in the process of reading them. Each volume has over 480 to 600 pages and the author Alan Walkerā€™s research about Lisztā€™s life is fabulous ! Franz Liszt's bio books #1, #2, #3 by Alan Walker We found many new discoveries about Liszt as a person, as a pianist & composer and his life, and his views. He was a storm, a very expressive, passionate, unique, charming artist. Kindhearted, very generous, caring, temper, high pride, a social person , enjoyed being on stage or with a group of people. However, he did not sacrifice his originality and uniqueness in order to be with a group ( check out his long hair and unique sense of fashion, some kind of mixture of robin hood, zorro and pirate ) and he had a deep passion to promote great music. Ray is saying Franz Liszt is like the Bruce Lee of piano p...