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Showing posts from December, 2011

My favorite things in 2011 My top favorites are selected from my new discoveries of this year, whether itā€™s new or old, no limit.  Top 10 Music 1. Rondo Krakowiak ( by Frederic Chopin ) 2. Hungarian Rhapsody #2 ( by Franz Liszt ) 3. Danse Macabre ( by Camile Saint Saens ) 4. Etude Opus 25 N.11 Winter Wind ( by Frederic Chopin ) 5. Nocturne N.1 in B flat minor ( by Frederic Chopin ) 6. Piano Concerto #2 ( by Frederic Chopin ) 7. Liebestraume ( Love Dream ) ( by Franz Liszt ) 8. Valse Sentimentale op. 51/6 ( by Tchaikovsky ) 9. Piano Concert No.4 in C minor ( by Camille Saint Saens ) 10. Symphony No. 3 in C minor ( by Camille Saint Saens ) This year Iā€™ve been into Classical music, Rondo Krakowiak by Frederic Chopin is hands down my top favorite. I just fell in love with this unbelievably beautiful music ( brings tears ) , which even chills my body. Top 5 Classic Composers 1. Frederic Chop...

Mystery of Chopinā€™s love

  After watching the movie ā€œ Desire for Love ā€œ about Chopin several times, I started searching more about Chopinā€™s life to solve some mystery parts, even though it may be impossible to find what is the real truth.  This movie ( Desire for Love ) is so thinkable, and while checking about both Chopin and George Sand ā€˜s bio, Iā€™m also into George Sand and her life story.  I would never have known about her or cared about her if I didnā€™t get into Chopinā€™s bio so much. But without knowing about her, we can not know the truth.   Chopin & Liszt are the most interesting heroes for me right now .  I donā€™t know why, but if genius is the only reason Iā€™m into them, then there are many different kinds of geniuses in many different subjects , so it must not be the only the reason.  Itā€™s very curious , there are several speculations about Chopinā€™s love, some information tells like as if itā€™s the fact that for Chopin, George Sand was always his love of his life, w...