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Showing posts from June 11, 2012

~ Feeling Nostalgic ~ - Showa Era in Japan

If someone asked me when is my best time in my life ,  I would answer  ā€œ Now ā€œ or ā€œ times since I started living with my husband Ray ā€œ. And I look forward to our future life as well. pictureTYO via photo pin cc                       ( Japanese money when I was a child to teens in Showa period ) On the other hand, I love to see historical scenery, buildings, old towns , and when it comes to Showa Era in Japan , whenever I see photos or information about Showa Era, it makes me feel nostalgic.    The Showa period started from 1926 ( Dec 25 ) and ended in 1989 ( January 7 ).  I remember that when the Showa Emperor passed away, the new time period called Heisei period started, I was talking with my friends and co-workers, that someday or soon, Heisei kids will grow and we will be called as ā€œ Showa Era people , ā€œ with laugh and excitement .  And now, its already 2012, tim...