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Showing posts from December 22, 2012

Short or long, itā€™s life

Today, I would like to talk about life.  This post is going to be personal.  Until when I was around late 30S, I thought death mostly happened when people became senior ages.  Or people who are much older than me.  My dad died at the age of 46 when I was 14.  My mother died at the age of 60. Since I left Japan, and started living in the USA, several my relatives passed way, who are my grandmother ( 89 ) and three uncles (82, and 70S )  And this year, the most recently, my older brother who is only 2 years older than me passed away.  He was 51years old.  It was very shocking and made me sad.  In my childhood, I grew up with him in the same room.                                        My brother (10) and me ...