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Showing posts with the label Freddie Mercury


Queen Freddie Mercury

Freddie Mercury comes from Neptune ???

I found a funny quote from the Queen interview that made me laugh a lot yesterday. Last week, a British television show interviewed Brian May and Roger Taylor. Here is the quote, British television interviewer : What are some of the differences between Freddie Mercury and Paul Rodgers ? ROGER TAYLOR: Paul is so unlike Freddie in so many ways. He really comes from the Blues , and Freddie comes from........uhh.......... ....... uhh.....................'Neptune'. (laughter) BRIAN MAY: Actually, Freddie probably came from Mercury. ( laughter) ROGER TAYLOR: Yeah. Maybe Mercury. Yeah ( laughter ) BRIAN MAY: Some things about Freddie were always a mystery to me. We never knew what his next idea for a song would be. Because it was always so different. Actually, some of the greatest heavy guitar parts on Queen songs were composed by Freddie. For example " Ogre Battle ". And also the heavy metal part of Bohemian Rhapsody, which he compo

New favorite quote

I have several favorite quotes.  Here are the new ones I recently found.  Some are very simple , some are very deep and all of them hit my heart and got big impression. " You have to be hard on yourself to be successful in any industry. I don't believe in sugar coating things " by Johnny Weir This Johnny's quote is very simple, and everyone knows about it , however , sometimes I was thinking about that if there are any sugar coating things to be successful in my life and this quote woke me up ! Thanks Johnny ! " To me a positive role model is someone who isn't caught up on being a role model. I don't want to see someone changing their thoughts so they can appeal to a certain demographic.  I believe in pleasing yourself first, naturally, so I am not out looking for role models or to be a role model.  I think people need to make their own mistakes, learn from them and grow, and there's nothing that a pop star, figure s