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Showing posts with the label cup of Russia 2007 my review

Cup of Russia - Review

I was so glad to see that ESPN broadcast showed Johnny fan's fever, how popular he is in Russia.  Everybody was screaming his name loudly like crazy, and one of his Russian fans was interviewed about him. His banners with his images were everywhere. It's always great to see it. Thank you ESPN for showing it.  Also commentator Paul Wylie mentioned about Johnny's award for Love of Russia just before he skated his SP. Johnny thought he was ignored about it from US federation but it's great they did mention in ESPN and also figure skating magazine. And he feels better now. He is so lovely and cute, he added extra note for it after he posted his last journal. Johnny Weir SP - It was perfect !! How could he handle his nerves from the situation where so many his fans are expecting his performance ? He was very mentally strong. I love the beginning of the choreography so much. Very artistic and also his face expression. Also after the first jump, his elegant sentimental