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Showing posts with the label figure skater Johnny Weir

Ever popular Johnny Weir

Johnny Weir is Mr. Entertainment. And the entertainment never stops. He is in the Honor of Grand Marshal in today's Pride Parade at LA , is leading the parade and over 400,000 people are expected !  Johnny Weir talks about the honor of grand marshal in Sundays pride parade Whenever I take a break from his news, when I come back there is always a lot of catching up to do. lol His twitter followers are a veritable legion, now numbering 94,829 ( as of the date June 12’ 2011) , and his followers are still increasing every day. It will soon be over 100,000. It means he is still attracting new fans (?). And also his face book has 60,208 followers. Until he started doing twitter in May’2009, the only way we could get his new information was his journal, and also Q&A, sometimes his old fan site( which disappeared now that his activity is mainly on the social net work ) and his media interviews. I was always looking forward to his journals and Q&A which were

Right Brain ? or Left Brain ?

I found a very interesting info about our brains , and how it influences our taste and our view points when we see things. People’s taste and view points are usually different, so I’m not surprised that people see things totally different from me. Actually, it’s so unbelievable Ray and I have similar taste for so many things. Maybe that’s one of the reasons, it’s so comfortable to be with him. Recently, I happened to find a comment which bugged me a little because it was about Johnny’s “ The Swan “ program in Nationals 2006, and comparing with Patrick Chan’s SP for this season in Canadian Nationals. The comment was this “ I found the swan is too old for Johnny. He has no creativity, no genius to skate such music. I don't know why he continues, every year, to skate to classical music that he interprets with such an old style (and not old in a good way, for me). Patrick‘s term of creative is brilliant. ” When I read this comment, honestly, I thought “ Huh ???” I