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Showing posts with the label gratitude and complaint

Gratitude and Complaint

You know what ? Recently I really feel everything is a miracle. Everyone is a miracle. I got married with someone who is from different country is a miracle. I’m speaking another language is a miracle.  My body, I have power to walk, run, move, talk, can see, these are all miracles. I can breathe air is a miracle. I was born in the world is a miracle. And while I was feeling like everything is a miracle, I started to feel so grateful for everything. Now, the opposite meaning of Gratitude is Complaint. And in Japanese  writing,  using Kanji , The meaning of complaint which is used in Kanji is  “ Stupid,  idiot “    or  “ ridiculous idiot “   . I feel the person who created Japanese Kanji words was knowing some secret.  These kanji words were made long long time ago , but people are careless for t...