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Showing posts with the label meaning of Mayan Calendar December 21' 2012

Atlantis Myth and the Mayan Calendar

Mayan pyramid Chichen Itza _________________________________________________________________ I was writing about the mysterious Mayan Calendar and the importance they give to the date, December 21’ 2012 in one of my past posts at the link below, and at that time I didn’t take it so seriously much. Thank you for visiting my blog, that post is still one of the popular views in my blog and I would like to expand some more about that topic. I feel my initial idea about it is still a strong possibility, but I also got an idea about another possibility after reading “ Conversations with God 3” by Neale Donald Walsch. There is a section in this book where the Spirit Guide or God talks about a highly advanced ancient civilization on our planet which ended up destroying itself because it did not have an equally high spiritual frequency. In other words, they couldn’t handle the technology they h...

What is the meaning of the date December 21, 2012 in the Mayan Calendar ?

Recently I’ve heard about the Mayan Calendar , which is known as one of the most accurate calendars ever made, and which has been used for many forecasts and predictions. The Mayan calendar accurately lays out solar and lunar positions and events starting from thousands of years in the past, and then the calendar abruptly ends on December 21, 2012 . Many have speculated that this means it may be the end of the world. And when I heard about it, first thing came to my mind was “ Is it like Nostradamus prediction which was interpreted as 1999 being the end of the world ? And it didn’t happen ? “ Ray says no one knows for sure what it means, why the Mayan Calendar ends in 2012. Why did the calendar end on that date ? My first thought about it is this, Maybe the Mayan person/persons who created the calendar passed away after he/she/they finished the calendar up to the date December 21, 2012. Or there might be some other reason why he/she/they could not continue. And m...