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Showing posts from May, 2007

COI San Jose review

My husband and I went to COI San Jose on May 18, Friday.   It was our second time to go to see skating live show. Our seat was Row 7 at close to the center of the circle rink.  Last time when we went to COI Phoenix , our seat was second row but at the edge of the circle rink, so even this was row 7, I thought this seat was better and more clear to see all the skaters performance. The show started around 7:45PM and in the opening Johnny appeared at fifth or six. Johnny looked like he got a lot of sun tan at Mexico and his hair style was all back.  I think he did triple jump but not sure, I donā€™t remember clearly. Johnnyā€™s all in love is fair was really perfect ! His movements were deep and elegant and smooth and gorgeous. He landed all his triple jumps beautifully. I really loved it.  He looked confidence.  Especially I loved beginning of the movements of the program. I also felt his skating level is so much higher than any other menā€™s skaters because ...

pretty pictures

Johhy Weir, Program " Rondo " My favorite his program !  Johnny Weir, skating with the program " Otonal " So, romantic and beautiful ! Johnny Weir & Stephane Lambiel at a party after World Championship.