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Showing posts from December, 2010

My review - Episode #3 Skating with the Stars

Looks like every week the required elements is getting more and more difficult. And during the week at practice, two skaters got injuries, Rebecca Bidig and Brook Castile ( who is Jonnyā€™s partner ) and one skater, Brandon Smith got illness and was carried by ambulance to the hospital and could not attend the show. Even though Iā€™ve heard and knew how hard and dangerous sports figure skating can be, seeing these celebrities challenges during the training in this show, it shows even more clear. And also as Johnny said, the fact is that skating judges donā€™t care skaterā€™s health condition at events. They see and score how they performed in the competitions. At least in STWS, judges donā€™t judges based on performerā€™s reputation, political connection. It looks fair no matter what celebrityā€˜s fans wish to think. When skaters got injury and announcing about it, Iā€™ve seen skaters were criticized by skating fans when they had to withdraw from the competition event. Most...

Johnny's Bad Romance at Skate for Hope

Skate for Hope Johnny Weir Bad Romance This is one of my favorite of Johnnyā€™s performances. Itā€™s really an amazing art to me and his movements and body language gave me chills. Love his beginning pose which is so artistic like a beautiful statue ! His natural expression , body language based on the music always amazes me. I love the costume and also he acts the character of Bad Romance of the story, so I love him with make-up for this performance. While watching his performance, Iā€™m watching the story and the character he is acting for every program. Love the costume very much, too. I always love to hear his opinion of artistry, and skating because I see him as a genius creative artist. There are many kinds of skaters and dancers, and there is always a taste and I love uniqueness, detailed sensitive movements and beautiful line, natural expression with deep emotion , besides musicality and rhythm. Johnny Weir , Emanuel Sandhu , Tatiana Navka these three a...

Review - Episode #2 Skating with the Stars

It's so nice to have something exciting on Monday night again ( just like Johnnyā€™s be good Johnny weir last time ) , we really enjoyed watching the Episode #2 of Skating with the Stars on Monday night. It was sad Sean Young / Denis Petukhov team were eliminated in this episode. We loved and enjoyed very much with their performances. I thought Sean Young has so much personality in her performance ( and also off ice ) and has a big impact whatever she does. Denis ā€™s music selection ( I always loved his music choice for his and Melissaā€™s programs ) and his interesting choreography and creative idea were fantastic. It was also interesting to see Denis took Sean to indoor sky diving place . I thought itā€™ a great idea to take her to the place to catch ā€œfeeling ā€œ , without ā€œ thinking ā€ for her performance, and it was sweet of him to do it. The sky diving looked so much fun BTW, I want to try it ! For performance itself, my favorites were Rebecca & Fred , and...