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Showing posts from November, 2012

True Happiness

Happiness & Now  ~ Happiness doesnā€™t come and go ; what comes and goes is your attunement to happiness ~  ~ Real goals arenā€™t about the future, they are about your life right here and now ! ~  -  Robert Holden, PhD.  I got a conviction from these quotes above.   Even though I know about it, there are still times when Iā€™m easy to be influenced by my feeling from environment, whenever something happened.  I saw one of the life expert gurus who looks very successful in her life was writing her feelings in her personal blog , but sounded like she is afraid to lose something, someone she loves.  She sounded like living with fear, instead of love.  I also read about many successful peopleā€™s experience about ā€œ Happiness ā€œ.  Common things they are saying is they achieved everything they wanted, but they...

Johnny Weir at Rostelecom Cupā€™ 2012

Johnny Weir SP Poker Face at Rostelecom Cup   Although Johnny had some jump problems , fell on 4T which was downgraded , two footed on triple axel, triple triple combination jumps became double double.  However, artistry always wins in my mind so  t his is my favorite menā€™s short program performance at Rostelecom Cupā€™ 2012.  B ecause I realized Iā€™m watching art in figure skating, and his art skill is incomparable with all other menā€™s skaters in the event. (IMO)   His beautiful artistic movements blew away these jump errors from my mind and made me to watch over and over.   And his spins were really great as well. The rule of spins has changed again ? He used to often receive level 4 spins and level 3 step sequence.  But after the long blank from competitive skating, looks to me he is still rebuilding the technical skills based on the present rule.   And for transition , they are expecting to do difficul...

My favorite performances / programs in Skate Canada & Cup of Chinaā€™ 2012

Tatsuki Machida Congratulations on winning a gold medal in Cup of China ! I was glad  to hear he won it because we both thought he is a wonderful skater and was very impressed with his performances since Skate America. I thought Daisuke would take it for Cup of China, but also possibly Machida could have won as well. Because Daisuke and many other skaters quads are still not consistent, no one is ( was ) consistent like Plushenko, so anything can happen. Joubert might be the only other skater who had consistent quad. ( Not sure for this season ) But overall he was not consistent as well with  other elements. Iā€™m sorry to hear Joubert had illness so had to withdraw from the competition. Hope he will get quick recovery. Machidaā€™s Short Program may be my another top favorite program so far. It ā€˜s really Lambiel program to me. Very unique and creative.  We both love it ! Seems like it was really hard to create these choreography with this music, they said they...

Halloween Bat - Shocking night

It happened last night,  around midnight. I couldnā€™t believe it, such a thing happened. Ray and I were ready to fall a sleep at the bed after having a chat about Chopin. One lamp was on which was in my side. And the bedroom door was slightly open and not completely closed. All the windows were closed as usual. Suddenly something black which looked like an aggressive bird flew into our bedroom ! ā€œ Oh, my..   Whatā€™s that !!!!    What should we do ???  ā€œ    I shouted. ā€œ Itā€™s a bird. ā€œ    Ray said. But after watching it fly wildly around our bedroom for a moment,  Ray said    ā€œ Itā€™s a bat ! ā€œ    . We both pulled over our blankets  and  stayed under the blanket for a while.  But soon Ray got out the bed while it was still flying around the room, saying we need to do something to get  the bat out. I kept staying under the  blanket on the bed. Ray...