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Showing posts from August, 2015

Social face and Real face

photo credit: stock pinks via photopin (license)   Having social face is considered as very important to have good friendships/ relationships in our social life. Depending on the country, there may be different habits though, in Japan, it's believed that saving face is required to have good social life depending on the situation.   Especially in the places which are related to business or work which belong with the customer service industries, social face is everywhere.   In the private life, I sometimes heard from people saying they are having problems from showing social face.  Example 1.  According to the person "A" , she (A) was just being nice to her friend and her friend's husband and complimented her husband's looks a lot and etc.., as social face, but her friend took it as serious and thought she is interested in and crazy about her husband.  Now the person is very frustrated because her fr...

Powerful Natural Remedies for when you bite your cheek

Have you ever bitten your cheek or tongue while having a meal accidentally ? I sometimes did it and it's usually when I was thinking something else while eating foods. It's painful and it usually continues about a week to be fully recovered.   Last Friday, my husband accidentally bit his cheek quite hard while eating his lunch at work. He said usually after 2 to 3 days, from his experience, the pain gets worse , then it heals. and he didn't say anything about it to me until Sunday afternoon, when the symptoms got worse and I didn't know about it . He looked fine until Sunday afternoon. I was giving him a massage in the afternoon and soon he fell a sleep. He said after he woke up from the nap,  he was getting pain from the cheek. and I noticed that his cheek was getting swollen, as if there was a ball in the side of the lower cheek.  and his face and his body had high fever.  I've never seen and heard that one's face could get so swollen from biting one...

What is a successful life ?

Last night I was reading recent news which was about a well-known Japanese  cartoon writer and his roller-coaster life . The cartoon writer, who we will call 怀 "Y" , 怀got huge success with his cartoon in the 1970s when he was 20 years old and his cartoon series was shown on TV every week. Y got married when he was 23 years old, after he became successful , and had two children and bought a house and also a condo for his office in Tokyo, Japan. He was earning about 40 to 50 million yen /year from the series of the cartoon for about 6 years. He also started to make other cartoon series, but for some reason, Y started feeling pressure to draw and write and get ideas for cartoons and he was unable to get another hit from his other cartoons, after his only cartoon which got big hit series had completed. From the stress, he started escaping from his work of cartoon drawing /writing,怀and he got addiction for gambling and went to night clubs every night. and he s...