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Showing posts from May, 2019

Chakra and illness - 6th Chakra ( Third Eye Chakra )

Keywords :    I SEE,  sixth sense,  Inspiration, Wisdom, Intuition, Insight, Success, judgement, Study, thought, truth, psychic sense,  Color : Indigo  Corresponding Physical function *  Cerebrum *  Cerebellum *  Frontal lobe *  Temporal lobe *  Occipital lobe *  Brain stem *  Thalamus *  Pineal gland *  Eyes *  Ears *  Nose *  Mind Meaning :   Vision, Imagination, Dream, Memory, True self-image  Message : " I am the witnessā€œ Corresponding frequency : 852 Hz Location :    between the eyebrows 6th Chakra ( third eye chakra ) is located between the eyebrows and is called the " Third eye ". 6th Chakra is the place to link between your mind and the outer world.  and embodying the ability to see both the inner and outer world.   This allows one to experience clear thought and self-reflection. The third eye chakra symbolizes your conne...

Chakra and illness - 5th Chakra ( Throat Chakra )

Keywords :    I EXPRESS,  Speak,  Self expression,  The Spirit of language, Purification,  Purity, Courage, Challenge, Artistic talent, Pursue art,  Belief, Communication, Ability, Freedom,  Color: Blue Corresponding Physical function : *  Mouth *  Tongue *  Teeth *  Thyroid *  Chin *  Vocal cord *  Pharynx *  Larynx *  Occipital region *  Hypothalamus *  Medulla *  Cervical spin *  Shoulder *  Clavicula *  Upper arm *  Trachea *  Bronchial tube *  Facial nerve  Meaning :    Self-awareness, Creativity, Harmony with others,  Corresponding frequency : 741Hz Location :  Throat / Region of neck 5th Chakra ( Throat Chakra ) supports emotional expression and self expression and is corresponding to all the communication in general. Also it has function which is related to the sound of the voice such as sp...

Chakra and illness - 4th Chakra ( Heart Chakra )

Keywords :    I LOVE,  Harmony, Peace, Gratitude, Mercy, Optimism, Service, tolerance, courage, desire, Color : Green, Pink Corresponding Physical function *  Heart *  Lung *  Blood *  Breast *  Rib *  Scapula *  Diaphragm *  Intercostal nerve *  Greater pectoralis muscle *  Esophagus *  Skin *  Hands Meaning :    Unconditional love, Oneness,  a feeling of release Corresponding frequency : 639Hz Location :  Center of chest When 4th Chakra is opening too much ,       * Exclusive * Overwhelming * Conditional love * Can not show or express your true feeling  When 4th Chakra is closing,  *  Afraid of rejection *  Love someone too much *  Low self-esteem *  Self-pity When 4th chakra is blocked or  is not running well , one may lose emotional balance and may get these negative reactions below, * ...

Chakra and illness - 3rd Chakra ( Solar Plexus Chakra)

Keywords :    I DO,  Intention,  Inspiration,  Release,  Success,  Sensitivity, Emotion,  Desire,  Confidence,  Power,  Smoothness,  Trust,  Strength, Individuality,  Dignity, Itā€™s message is :   " I create  ā€.  Create your own life destiny and what you desire and happiness . Color : Yellow Corresponding Physical function * Pancreas * Kidney * Liver   Meaning :    bliss, realization, manifestation, achievement, Corresponding frequency : 528Hz ( or 728HZ) Location :  abdomen, solar plexus,  If you wish to create your successful life based on your desire, it's important to balance and strengthen your 3rd Chakra ( Solar Plexus Chakra ). 3rd Chakra is like a sun inside of your body and by converting the light of life energy, it increases the energy of your whole body. It has the function to memorize  important information to navigate your life directio...

Chakra and illness - 2nd Chakra ( Sacral Chakra )

2nd Chakra (  Sacral Chakra ) Keywords :    I FEEL, Independent, Creativity,   Color : Orange  Itā€™s message is :  Desire,  Live with your passion.   Corresponding Physical function * Lower back * Gynecology * Large bowel Meaning :  Independent, Creativity,  Corresponding frequency : 417Hz Location : Lower abdomen, below the navel 2nd Chakra ( Sacral Chakra )  is the  energy which is related to Feeling , such as fun and joy of living. 2nd Chakra supplies energy to reproductive organs, so when this chakra is not running well, it may get hypogonadism, sterility, menstrual disorder, menstrual pain. Also that absorbs joy energy so if this chakra has problem, one can not feel the joy feeling naturally.  and despise others, and can not love people. and also it can block the action energy which is coming from 1st Chakra and can not reflect it  in one's emotion. It makes one's feelin...

Chakra and illness - 1st Chakra ( Root or Base Chakra )

Why does illness occur ? Stress is the source of many illness. I have always thought most of the illness comes from stress. Also, * Unbalanced food life * No activity - not enough activity for the body * Lack of drinking enough clear water Besides  these above, I realized that the 7 chakras influence all our health issues. When illness occur, our heart and body are telling and screaming to fix the problem. Each chakra has meaning and we can know which chakra is not activated by seeing the illness. Here is the meaning of each chakra and also symptoms of illnesses for each chakra. 1st Chakra  ( Root or base Chakra) Keywords    I AM,  Earth, Grounding, Roots, Basic, Health, Source of life, Body, Foundation, Confidence,  Stability , Color : Red  Corresponding Physical function   * Legs * Genitals * Anus * Intestine Meaning :  Vitality,  Life force, live in the reality, Itā€™s message  :   ...