Keywords : I SEE, sixth sense, Inspiration, Wisdom, Intuition, Insight, Success, judgement, Study, thought, truth, psychic sense,
Color : Indigo
Corresponding Physical function
* Cerebrum
* Cerebellum
* Frontal lobe
* Temporal lobe
* Occipital lobe
* Brain stem
* Thalamus
* Pineal gland
* Eyes
* Ears
* Nose
* Mind
Meaning : Vision, Imagination, Dream, Memory, True self-image
Message : " I am the witness“
Corresponding frequency : 852 Hz
Location : between the eyebrows
6th Chakra ( third eye chakra ) is located between the eyebrows and is called the " Third eye ".
6th Chakra is the place to link between your mind and the outer world.
and embodying the ability to see both the inner and outer world.
This allows one to experience clear thought and self-reflection.
The third eye chakra symbolizes your connection to wisdom and insight, allowing you to access the inner guidance that comes from deep within your being. This enables you to cut through illusion and access deeper truths.
This chakra is also related to psychic ability such as the sixth sense.
When 6th Chakra ( third eye chakra ) has a problem and is not running well, one may get sleeping disorder or mental disorder.
And it's easy to get irritated and criticize others and often complain and becomes strict to others.
Also often have inaccurate judgement for things or become indecisive.
6th Chakra is especially important for leaders who lead many people, who own companies or organizations because if this chakra is blocked or not running well, one gets lack of concentration and memory and lose the ability to have accurate judgement.
This Chakra has ability to reflect the image to the reality, so it's good to have the image of happy life or successful life when you are meditating or chanting mantra or listening to the sounds which have 852 Hz.
If your self image is negative and believing you can not be happy, this also reflects to the reality so it's important to be careful your thought and what you are picturing in your mind.
When 6th Chakra is opening too much,
* Very theoretical
* Dogmatic
* Authoritarian
* Arrogant
When 6th Chakra is closing,
* Disorderly
* Afraid to get success
* Divide
* Target goal setting is low
When 6th chakra is blocked or is not running well, one may get these negative reactions below,
* Often feel stress and have headaches.
* Cant not sleep well, and have nightmare. Suffer from insomnia.
* Get depression or mental problem cause by low levels of serotonin.
* Get confused with difference between reality and illusion.
* Is possessed by low frequency spirits.
Depending on the case , these negative reaction may become serious, problem.
Health problems when 6th Chakra ( Heart Chakra) is not running well
( Illness by Lack of energy in 6th Chakra )
* Headaches
* Panic
* Dizziness
* Brain tumor
* Stroke
* Intracerebral bleeding
* Upper head sinus disease
* Frontal sinus disease
* Cerebral hemorrhage
* Nervous system disorder
* Nervous disturbance
* Hearing disorder
* Visual disturbance
* Loss of vision
* Blindness
* Glaucoma
* Cataracta
* Overall spine disorder
* Learning disability
* Convulsion
* Sleep disorder
* Mental retardation
* Macular degeneration
When 6th Chakra is activated , one's inspiration improves and can make one's life better and open up a new path of life.
and the things you did not understand you will understand without the explanation.
It's kind of like receiving revelation from heaven or suddenly coming with an idea, have an epiphany.
In the 4th Chakra activation, you become the person who have full of love and kind to others, and in the 5th Chakra you activate your expression with words, and besides that when 6 th Chakra is activated you can imagine the situation of others and can think from other's side , you can imagine and catch what that person want to say even if the person did not talk much.
Greatest thing is that the 6th chakra ( third eye chakra ) has the ability to be mindful and live in the present moment.
This chakra is the center of one's intuition and wisdom, allowing to open one's mind to deeper understandings and expand one's intuition.
It will navigate you to the direction you truly wish to go and be when you activate your third eye chakra, and have positive successful image, it helps to embody your dream or wishes and make it come true.
6th Chakra also have ability to remember beyond time and space , so when you activate the chakra, you may feel that the place you will go for the first time is nostalgic, or when you met a person who you had met in your past life, even though you met the person the first time in this life, you may feel as if you already knew the person, or you may feel uncomfortable with the person even just after you met the person.