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Showing posts with the label Buddha quotes

Unconditional Love Inspiring story about Buddha , " Hearing that Buddha was enlightened , a man traveled far to see him. But this man was full of hatred.  When he found the Buddha, he swore at him, cursed him, and called him names day and night.  The Buddha continued to meditate quietly with a warm smile on his face. After several days, the man grew tired, as he hadn't broken down the Buddha at all. Finally, one morning the Buddha called the man to him. The Buddha said, " Let me ask you a question.  If a man brings me a gift and I refuse to accept it, to whom does the gift belong ? " The man thought for a minute and said, " To the one who gave it." The Buddha smiled and nodded.   Then he said, " Then if you come to me with the gift of hatred and I refuse to accept it, to whom does the hatred belong ? " The man gasped, " To me." After that, the man became a follow

My favorite ways of the Law of Attraction

My favorite sources for Law of Attraction are   Bashar,   Wallace D. Wattles   and Pierre Franckh. I love Bashar’ s messages because I feel they are the most direct and to the point, plus practical, rather than just theory. He is an alien from another world, so his messages are very unique and I felt the most unlimited.  He is channeled by the medium Darryl Anka . “ Bashar is a multi-dimensional extra-terrestrial being who speaks through channel Darryl Anka from what we perceive as the future.  Bashar explores a wide-range of subjects with great insight, humor and a profound understanding of how reality creation occurs!   “ From I found what Bashar is saying is very similar to what Seth (channeled by Jane Roberts ) and also Neal Donald Walsh’s spirit guide ( in his books “ Conversations With God ” ) are saying. But Bashar often sounds more prac