My favorite sources for Law
of Attraction are Bashar, Wallace D. Wattles and Pierre Franckh.
I love Basharās messages because I feel they are the most direct and to
the point, plus practical, rather than just theory.
He is an alien from another
world, so his messages are very unique and I felt the most unlimited.
He is
channeled by the medium Darryl Anka.
ā Bashar is a multi-dimensional extra-terrestrial being who
speaks through channel Darryl Anka
from what we perceive as the future.
Bashar explores a
wide-range of subjects with great insight, humor and a profound understanding
of how reality creation occurs! ā
I found what Bashar
is saying is very similar to what Seth
(channeled by Jane Roberts ) and
also Neal Donald Walshās spirit guide (
in his books ā Conversations With God ā ) are saying.
But Bashar often sounds more practical and clear and
direct as to the ways of applying it.
So I love it.
There are many information about New age which are made
by humans but I found they all have some limitations.
So sometimes they are not comfortable to read.
But aliens or spirits guides which always speak of
unlimited potential are very freeing in their world view ( or universal view ) ,
and they see their view from the spiritual world, and not based on the earth
peopleās rules, so I get more conviction from it.
I found Bashar
is already popular with New Age fans in Japan.
Bashar also talks about why Atlantis was destroyed.
was very interesting to read what he has to say about many myths of the history
as well.
Until Atlantis, he said Humans and Dolphins had the same spirits.
makes sense to me, because I often wondered why dolphins are very friendly to
humans, unlike many other fish or animals that live in ocean.
Basharās message makes me feel good, with full of humor,
and nothing scared me.
He says that we humans all came to earth to learn love
and harmony and to create yourself .
also says that when you get a feeling of excitement thatās a key as to what
path to follow, what kind of career or hobbies you should aim for.
passion for what you do goes a long way towards success.
Go to the direction
which makes you feel exciting, which is good for you, and does no harm to
On the other hand, he says that the more we are living
based on rules that were made up by humans with limited views, the more your
life will have suffering and hard life.
I love the Law of Attraction and
I also found that what Buddha was
saying was also similar to the Law of attraction.
I love these quotes from Buddha :
" We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our
thoughts, we make the world. " - Buddha
- " All that we are is the result of what we have thought. If a man speaks or acts with an evil thought, pain follows him. If a man speaks or acts with a pure thought, happiness follows him, like a shadow that never leaves him." - Buddha
- " The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, worry about the future, or anticipate troubles, but to live in the present moment wisely and earnestly." - Buddha
" By your own efforts. Waken yourself, watch yourself. And live joyfully. You are
the master." - Buddha
- " Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I
have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
Believe nothing merely because you have been told it.
Do not believe what your
teacher tells you merely out of respect for the teacher. But whatsoever, after
due examination and analysis, you find to be kind, conducive to the good, the
benefit, the welfare of all beings -- that doctrine believe and cling to, and
take it as your guide. " ā Buddha
Just my inspiration, these
quotes and information make sense to me.
And while Iāve been into it,
I found there are much deeper information
than the book ā The Secret ā .
And Iāve found there are also
different types of New Age, and
different types of Law of Attraction books, depending on the author.
I also realized each person
sees and reads and takes differently from the same books and information.
Some people feel happy and get
success with the information. Some people feel excitement.
Some people get angry with
Some people feel disappointed with
it. Some people misunderstand the information.
And I noticed that how each
person sees and takes the books may be coming from each personās beliefs, all
of us are brainwashed to a certain extent, either in a good or not so good way,
from childhood onward or while growing up based on each personās experience,
parentās influence, from family and environment.
I also noticed that what people
focus on the most through the
information is also really variety.
This is why ā reviews ā are
not the truth for everyone, but simply oneās opinion.
Many of us were taught to
believe hard work is required to get what you want.
And we often were told that he/ she
achieved his/her goal because he/she worked really hard, so it all paid off.
I was also believing it like
that, same as many people, when I want to achieve something , I must work hard
to get it.
But one of the very successful
business owners in Japan whose name is Hitori Saito said
ā People thought I achieved
it because I worked hard, but itās not
the one. I got success because I ām a
lucky person.
And the way to be a lucky person is by just saying ā Iām a lucky
personā with appreciation as often as possible and make a habit to say that. Then lucky things just coming to me. ā
He also
said he makes a wish to every person he meets to bring them
tremendous luck into their life.
He was called as a weird
person but in actuality he became one
of the richest business owners in Japan for
many years.
He didnāt have high school education,
he graduated from junior high school, and after that he became a business
And he got success with his
business in his early 20ās.
He was taught to have tough
experience to learn life, and work hard by many grown ups when he was a little
However, he noticed that all the
grownups who were often telling about their hard life experience, how difficult
their life were, none of them looked
happy and successful.
So he thought his goal is not
to be like that, if the hard work and difficult experience is not making them
happy and satisfied with life, why I have to copy what they said ?
Much later he discovered Joseph Murphyās book ā The Power of Subconscious
Mind ", and read it over 1,000 times.
Talent or hard work can help,
but they are not the only reasons they could achieve their goal.
Action is required to get
what we want, but how we see the action as āhard workā is oneās view.
People who are working in a career that they love, see it as joy and fun and excitement because the
work they are doing is actually their passion.
While others who are not working in a career that they love, feel that
they are doing hard work.
And each one is creating the
situations that put them in their career and their view of their career by themselves.
The most important point is that
whatever you want, you must
ā see and believe what you want , imagine your
image, in detail, and feel it how it feels like , as if you already got
it. ā
And do this over and over
everyday, until you get it.
Bashar said that each human
being experiences a reality which is the same vibrational energy level as
He also said that
ā Humans can not experience
a reality which has a different vibrational energy level. You always get what
you gave. ā - Bashar
I understand that we are all
made up by energy and same kind of vibrational energy are attracted each other.
So for example, when one want
to be an Olympics Champion, but if oneās vibrational energy is different from
it, one can not attract that energy.
In order to attract that
energy, one has to have the same kind of energy by feeling you are the Olympics
champion and completely believing it.
means you and Olympics Championās energy has to be ONE.
Itās so interesting and I
really understand that being one with the energy we want to attract is the most
important point to get what we want.
Focusing on ā working hard ā
all the time, just makes your training even more hard work.
Action and training are
required , but I wonder what will happen if we repeat to ourselves the words ā
easy work ā while doing the
same training ?
Labeling and judging the
training as ā hard work ā, does this help oneās mind ?
Or does doing hard work , make one feel
proud ?
So people often use the word ā hard work ā ?
I may be saying strange
things if we see things from whatās accepted as common sense in this earth
But I noticed that when I
say easy, easy, easy,
everything seemed to start going easily today.
Even the situation looked
difficult in the beginning, when I started saying
ā Itās fantastic ! wonderful ! Awesome ! It will be easy, easy. Everything will be always alright. Thatās wonderful. ā in playful way, suddenly
everything went easily and well. lol
I really noticed that words
can change not only our feeling and impression but it changes our energy and luck.
I love the following words -
ā I am living in an easy
world. Because I chose it . ā lol
Universe loves ā joyful
spirits ā rather than "serious hard work fearful spirits".
Itās hard not to believe law
of attraction for me because itās always true what happened in my life good or
bad, and I received so many miracles big or small.
And miracle always happened
when I was not expecting the result and didnāt think about it.
Itās getting long post, so I
will write about Wallace D. Wattles and Pierre
Franckh in the next post.
Both their information is
also life changing.