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Showing posts with the label health

What's new ?

It's already spring !!! OMG, It's been forever since my last post. I don't know why but recently I didn't get the feeling to write something in my blog.   and realized that the more I don't write something , the more I don't get an idea and don't get the feeling of writing. But it's already the end of March and it's already past almost three months since new year ( 2018 ), so I thought  I should write something to bring back my passion for writing. Kabocha Pumpkin power My husband and I have been doing fine and this winter season, we both did not get flu or cold. And I noticed the reason we   did not catch a flu or cold this season is since we   started eating Kabocha Pumpkin ( Squash? ) daily, we are really healthy . Also our nails got stronger and hard. I suppose it's good for our bones as well. I'm really impressed with the power of Kabocha, so we will keep eating it everyday for our health.  Great thing is it's very delicious,

Amazing health benefits of Pumpkins / Kabochas

Today, I would like to write about our new discovery , amazing benefits of Pumpkin / Kabochas ! Originally, my husband and I both were not so crazy for Pumpkins except for pumpkin pie.  But since I happened to find the recipe of pumpkin cheesecake in online recipe site,  I was curious to make it because it looks very delicious. So, last week I tried to make it.  During Halloween season, Pumpkins were everywhere but after finished the holiday,  it's all gone and it was hard to find it .  But finally we could get it in the farmer's market place  called " Sprout ". This place has both western Pumpkins  ( orange color ) and Japanese pumpkins ( dark green or almost like black color ) which is called Kabocha in Japan.    I made  a  pumpkin cheesecake  in the evening and needed to cool it down in the refrigerator all night so my husband ate it in the next morning after breakfast. Soon,  he said he got energy after eating the pumpkin and felt like he wa

Health tips from an extra-terrestrial named Bashar - from a planet called Essassani

photo credit: skyseeker Mt. Fuji via photopin (license)    Today,  I would like to write about health tips from an extra-terrestrial being named Bashar who is from the Essassani Planet .     He is channeled by Darryl Anka. Planet earth used to have beautiful clear air, but since a long time ago the air has been polluted everywhere.    and the cause of most illnesses comes from the poison in the environment we are in, with the polluted air. Nowadays, it's hard to find places where there is beautiful clean air. and in this unfavorable environment, he is suggesting how to live healthy.   Health tips 1.  Clear Oxygen  According to Bashar,  the air after storms and typhoons have gone away, is the most clean ( purified ) and is good for our bodies. However when there is an overdose of artificial oxygen by using tools such as oxygen tanks , this can cause a lack of water, and will weaken cells.   So clean natural water needs to be used in a balanced amo

Best Home remedies for toothaches - Natural Health Care

Having toothaches can be one of the worst pains ever in life. I had a very tough experience with a toothache  when I was 19 years old.   and it happened during the beginning of holiday times and all the stores and hospitals including the dentists were closed for about 7 days at that time. So I had to deal with the terrible pain for 7 days  until the dentist opened. Since then I was already careful for my teeth, because I didn't want to experience such a terrible pain anymore. It's wonderful that there is the internet where we can get many information to get knowledge easily nowadays. ( Depending on the source, of course ) Today, I would like to share our new discovery for a home remedy which cures toothaches. My husband got terrible toothaches last weekend. It was weekend and dentists were all closed so I searched in internet for toothaches remedies. and he tried some remedies below,   Grapefruit seed extract First , he tried grapefruit seed ext

Healthy living - Health benefits of Miracle herb Cat's Claw

Today I would like to talk about my new discovery, the herb " Cat's Claw" and it's benefits. This herb doesn't seem quite as well-known as some of the other herbs , so my husband and I only knew this herb recently. We have been trying many kinds of herbs and healthy foods since about 10 years ago, and I feel this herb Cat's claw is one of the most powerful herbs to heal many kind of illness. Cat's Claw was discovered in the Amazon, Rainforest of Peru and Brazil. When I read about it, the plant sounds powerful because I sometimes think about how people who live in the Amazon rainforest can live and survive where there are many kinds of virus, easy to get disease. I imagined people who live in the amazon must have strong immune system. I've read about that there are many undiscovered medicinal plants in amazon rainforest. For my health, I especially care about my brain health and intestine health. Because if the brain and intestin