Today, I would like to write about our new discovery , amazing benefits of Pumpkin / Kabochas !
Originally, my husband and I both were not so crazy for Pumpkins except for pumpkin pie.
But since I happened to find the recipe of pumpkin cheesecake in online recipe site, I was curious to make it because it looks very delicious.
So, last week I tried to make it.
During Halloween season, Pumpkins were everywhere but after finished the holiday, it's all gone and it was hard to find it .
But finally we could get it in the farmer's market place called " Sprout ".
This place has both western Pumpkins ( orange color ) and Japanese pumpkins ( dark green or almost like black color ) which is called Kabocha in Japan.
I made a pumpkin cheesecake in the evening and needed to cool it down in the refrigerator all night so my husband ate it in the next morning after breakfast.
Soon, he said he got energy after eating the pumpkin and felt like he wanted to run !
and started moving a lot and was becoming active.
He said he realized Pumpkin has strong energy boost benefit !
It's new to hear it has such a power,
so I felt like, really ??
So I also tried it, and I noticed that when I ate the Pumpkin cheesecake, I did not get sleepy feeling or tired feeling and stayed up really late .
Not only that, we noticed that both of our hair becoming really shining and our skin's wrinkles are almost disappearing and got clear and healthy skin after we ate the pumpkin cheesecake.
It's really amazing !
But it's strange, when we had eaten a Pumpkin pie from the store, we didn't feel anything like that.
Maybe the amount of the pumpkin and fresh pumpkins without extra ingredients which are not good for health made the difference ?
I wasn't sure.
So I started researching the benefits of pumpkins.
Benefits of Pumpkins/ Kabocha
Kabocha ( Japanese pumpkin)
Kabocha pumpkins originally came from Mexico, and were used as food and medicine by the Indians.
When the Portuguese came, they transported some of these pumpkins with them on their voyages, bringing them to Cambodia and then to Japan.
It's said that Pumpkins are one of the best-kept secrets on the planet when it comes to super-foods for energy.
They contain a lot of Vitamin A and Carotene-Ć.
Also, Potassium, Vitamin C, E, K , B1, B2, Iron, Calcium, Fiber.
Here are the benefits of Pumpkins /Kabochas.
* Boost Energy
* Anti aging ( skin, hair )
* Sharpen vision
* Reduce risk of Cancer
* Reduce risk of stroke.
* Improve blood circulation
* Healthy Skin
* Healthy Hair
* Lower blood pressure
* Improve immune system
* Improve Heart health
* Healthy muscles
* Avoid to get Cold and flu
* Raise blood sugar
* Anemia prevention
* Reduce risk of Enlargement of the prostate
* Reduce risk of Arteriosclerosis
I was so amazed to know these benefits of Pumpkin/ Kabocha !!!
So since we knew about it, we eat pumpkin/Kabocha every day.
My husband had been eating Guacamole for energy until he found the benefits of Pumpkin/ Kabocha, but now since he found out pumpkin has stronger power to boost energy, he changed to it.
Another great thing is Pumpkins/ Kabochas are low calories but high nutrition.
So I do not need to worry to gain weight, even while eating a lot of it.
Also it gets more powerful for boosting your energy when you heat it up with olive oil , sea salt, cinnamon and nutmeg.
Especially for energy and skin and hair, we think Pumpkin/Kabocha is the best from our experience.